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Alleviating Knee Pain

Due to an injury I sustained nearly nine years ago, I sometimes experience knee pain. I’m constantly researching new ways to treat my pain. Have you dealt with aggravating knee pain for an extended period of time? Consider visiting an orthopedic doctor near you. This individual can likely diagnose what is causing your discomfort. Depending on your unique situation, your physician might recommend you undergo physical therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe you an anti-inflammatory drug. Changing your diet might also help you feel better. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious ways to help you recover from constant knee pain. Enjoy!


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Alleviating Knee Pain

Treatments A Naturopath May Recommend For GERD

by Roberto Morales

If you struggle with GERD, you are probably tired of dealing with the endless bouts of heartburn and indigestion. One option is to see a naturopath for treatment. These doctors use natural treatments like herbs and lifestyle modification whenever possible. Here are a few such treatments that may be recommended for your GERD.

Lose Weight

Being overweight usually makes GERD worse. The pressure of excessive abdominal fat can cause stomach contents to travel back up into the esophagus more often. If you are overweight or obese, then a naturopath can work with you to design a healthy, approachable weight loss plan. They can give you recommendations for diet and exercise, which should help you shed unwanted fat slowly and steadily.

Drink Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is best known for its relaxing properties; people drink it before going to sleep. In addition to relieving stress, it can also help relax muscles. In doing so, it may help relax your stomach and digestive tract so your stomach contents stay where they are supposed to stay: in your stomach. Your naturopath may recommend some good brands of chamomile tea and tell you how often to drink it. Often, they recommend using it as a preventative rather than waiting for your GERD to flare up before drinking it.

Take Licorice Root

Licorice root can help soothe the stomach and esophagus when they are irritated. It may also help moderate your stomach pH to make your bouts of heartburn less painful. There are licorice root supplements available, in capsule form, at most health food stores. Your naturopath will tell you how often to take them. This may be a supplement they have you take to calm an active flare-up.

Probiotic Supplements

A surprising number of digestive issues, including GERD, are caused or made worse by an absence of good gut bacteria, or probiotics. Taking probiotic supplements can help rebalance your gut microbiome. Your naturopath may recommend a specific probiotic, depending on your symptoms and overall health. They may also recommend simply eating more fermented food, which are natural sources of probiotics. Fermented foods to try include kombucha, yogurt, and kefir.

If you're struggling with GERD, see a naturopath. These practitioners do a great job of treating such ailments with natural remedies, such as those listed above. GERD can take some time to recover from, but with patience and the help of a professional, you can have success.
