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Alleviating Knee Pain

Due to an injury I sustained nearly nine years ago, I sometimes experience knee pain. I’m constantly researching new ways to treat my pain. Have you dealt with aggravating knee pain for an extended period of time? Consider visiting an orthopedic doctor near you. This individual can likely diagnose what is causing your discomfort. Depending on your unique situation, your physician might recommend you undergo physical therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe you an anti-inflammatory drug. Changing your diet might also help you feel better. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious ways to help you recover from constant knee pain. Enjoy!


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Alleviating Knee Pain

Benefits Of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

by Roberto Morales

The pelvic floor consists of muscles and tissues that hold pelvic organs like the bladder, intestines, and reproductive organs and help with sexual functions. The pelvic floor is also partly responsible for maintaining a healthy reproductive and digestive system. Pelvic floor exercises such as Kegels, heel slides, and electrical stimulation at the instruction of a licensed physiotherapist help maintain proper pelvic function. Here are some benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy exercises, especially for those with pelvic floor dysfunction:     

Bladder and Bowel Control

Common bladder issues among patients include pain during urination, failure to empty the bladder, urine leakage after a laugh or cough, and frequent urination. The problems are common and traceable to pelvic floor muscles; hence, they are manageable. Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps those affected regain control of their bladder functions through customizable exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. Consequently, people learn to identify movement within pelvic floor muscles and rely on the practices to prevent urine leakage and achieve an empty bladder when urinating. 

Pelvic floor physiotherapy can also help patients experiencing bowel movement issues like bowel incontinence (involuntary discharge) and constipation. Physiotherapy offers an alternative to treatment methods such as constipation medication like laxatives. The physiotherapist educates patients on appropriate toilet use habits and exercises to avoid that can worsen their condition. Lastly, for patients experiencing mild bowel incontinence, physiotherapy provides a less invasive technique to control bowel movement compared to surgery.

Long-Lasting Pain Relief

Pelvic floor muscles endure a lot of exertion with time. They may also be caused by physical conditions such as ageing and pregnancy, which can weaken them, resulting in pain. Pelvic floor physiotherapy helps minimize and manage pelvic and lower back pain. During therapy, specific exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles allowing you to do your daily routine with minimal to no pain. For instance, pelvic pain can affect a patient's sexual function since they cannot have satisfying, pain-free intercourse. Thus, by relieving pelvic pain, one can enjoy normal bodily function and improve their quality of life.

Help with Pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause several pelvic dysfunctions like involuntary bowel and bladder release or back and pelvic pain. During pregnancy, pelvic floor physiotherapy helps strengthen the pelvic floor as the baby develops, thus reducing the mother's probability of developing such issues or experiencing damage during delivery. Physiotherapists also show women the best techniques to use during delivery to minimize distress. A few weeks after delivery, pelvic floor physiotherapy helps tighten pelvic floor muscles, reduces pain during intercourse, and facilitates a healthier return to pre-pregnancy routine.
