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Alleviating Knee Pain

Due to an injury I sustained nearly nine years ago, I sometimes experience knee pain. I’m constantly researching new ways to treat my pain. Have you dealt with aggravating knee pain for an extended period of time? Consider visiting an orthopedic doctor near you. This individual can likely diagnose what is causing your discomfort. Depending on your unique situation, your physician might recommend you undergo physical therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe you an anti-inflammatory drug. Changing your diet might also help you feel better. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious ways to help you recover from constant knee pain. Enjoy!


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Alleviating Knee Pain

4 Things You Should Know About The Coolsculpting Process

by Roberto Morales

If you are interested in a non-invasive way to deal with unwanted fat, you need to check out CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved medical procedure that can help you deal with the fat on your body that doesn't seem to want to go away, no matter what you eat or how you work out. If you are interested in this procedure, here are a few more things you need to understand about the process and what CoolSculpting can do for you.

Thing #1: CoolSculpting Is Not for Extreme Weight Loss

First, please note, CoolSculpting is not for extreme weight loss. It is a procedure that helps you get rid of those last areas of fat that have not responded to your dieting and exercising efforts. This is a procedure you should only have performed if you are within around twenty to thirty pounds of your ideal weight range; this is not the procedure you should have done if you are a hundred pounds away from your ideal weight range.

Thing #2: Find a Certified Doctor

Second, find a certified doctor to perform the procedure. A range of different types of professionals, from dermatologists to aestheticians to dermatological surgeons can perform this procedure. However, you should only work with someone who has undergone training and received a special certification in this procedure.

Thing #3: CoolSculpting Freezes Your Fat Cells

The CoolSculpting process is done with specialized equipment. This specialized equipment freezes the fat cells under your skin, effectively killing those fat cells. Once the fat cells are frozen and effectively killed, your body does the rest.

Your body will expel the killed fat cells from your body. Keep in mind, this process takes time. You are not going to walk out from the procedure immediately looking different; it can take a few months for the effects to be fully realized.

This will result in a reduction of fat in the treated areas. It is not designed to eliminate all the fat cells in a targeted area but can reduce the amount of fat by around a quarter.

Thing #4: Side Effects are Minimal

The side effects of a CoolSculpting procedure are minimal. More than likely, you may experience some swelling, tenderness, redness, or even bruising around the treated areas. Your skin may be sensitive for a few days; however, these side-effects should fade away within hours or days, leaving you with a little less fat in the treated areas.

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved method of reducing unwanted fat in targeted areas of your body by a certified healthcare professional with minimal side-effects. If you are interested in this procedure, discuss it with your doctor to see if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting.
