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Alleviating Knee Pain

Due to an injury I sustained nearly nine years ago, I sometimes experience knee pain. I’m constantly researching new ways to treat my pain. Have you dealt with aggravating knee pain for an extended period of time? Consider visiting an orthopedic doctor near you. This individual can likely diagnose what is causing your discomfort. Depending on your unique situation, your physician might recommend you undergo physical therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe you an anti-inflammatory drug. Changing your diet might also help you feel better. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious ways to help you recover from constant knee pain. Enjoy!


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Alleviating Knee Pain

3 Ways To Teach Your Kids Healthy Vision Habits

by Roberto Morales

You do everything you can to keep your children healthy. You feed them nutritious foods, and you take them in for regularly scheduled medical exams. But, are you doing enough to keep their eyes healthy? Healthy vision habits should begin during childhood. Teaching your children how to care for their eyes can help them avoid vision problems later in life. Here are just a few tips for helping your childen care for their eyes.

Give Those Eyes a Rest

Your kid's eyes are working all day long. Whether it's reading a book, watching television or playing video games, those eyes are constantly focusing on something. Teach your kids to give them a rest once in a while.

It doesn't take much to relieve some of the strain your kids' eyes are enduring. Here's a quick exercise you can teach your kids. Have them do this at least once every hour throughout the day.

  1. Have them close their eyes and leave them closed for about 5 seconds.
  2. Now have them look at something across the room. This is especially important if they've been reading or watching television.
  3. Have them close their eyes for another 5 seconds.

Splash. Don't Rub

When kids get something in their eyes, the first thing they do is rub. Unfortunately, rubbing can actually scratch the surface of their eyes, especially if they're rubbing dirt or other granules that have gotten in their eyes.

Instead of rubbing, teach your children how to rinse their eyes with water. Gently splashing water in their eyes will remove dirt and other irritants without harming your child's eyes.

Protect the Eyes When Headed Outdoors

Studies show that kids will receive 80% of their lifetime exposure to UV rays by the time they turn 18 years old. If your kids are headed outdoors, have them put a hat on. Not only will the hat protect their heads from the heat, it will also protect their eyes from sun damage.

In addition to the hat, have them wear sunglasses. If your kids wear prescription glasses, speak to your optometrist about prescription sunglasses. Sunglasses help protect your kids eyes from harmful UV rays. Research shows that your child's eyes are more susceptible to sun damage because their lens is clearer than an adult lens.

Good vision health begins in childhood. The tips provided above will help your children learn how to care for their eyes while they're young. For more information, contact Dr Jade & Associates Lloydminster or a similar location.
