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Alleviating Knee Pain

Due to an injury I sustained nearly nine years ago, I sometimes experience knee pain. I’m constantly researching new ways to treat my pain. Have you dealt with aggravating knee pain for an extended period of time? Consider visiting an orthopedic doctor near you. This individual can likely diagnose what is causing your discomfort. Depending on your unique situation, your physician might recommend you undergo physical therapy. Your doctor may also prescribe you an anti-inflammatory drug. Changing your diet might also help you feel better. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious ways to help you recover from constant knee pain. Enjoy!


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Alleviating Knee Pain

Worried About Hearing Loss In Your Child? Here's What You Should Know

by Roberto Morales

If you suspect your child has a hard time hearing properly, your first step is to have his or her ears examined by a doctor. The doctor can use a scope to look in the ears for signs of an infection or ear wax that could be to blame. Treating the underlying cause could clear up the problem. However, hearing loss is caused by a number of different things, and not all of them can be treated medically. If the loss is permanent or progressive, your child may need to wear a hearing aid. Here are a few things you should know about hearing loss and your child.

Watch For Signs

If your child has hearing loss as an infant, one indication is the lack of response to loud sounds. Most babies are startled by loud noises. Your baby should also come to respond to the sound of your voice and be relaxed by soothing sounds. Babies learn to talk by mimicking the sounds they hear, so if your baby has normal hearing, he or she will coo and babble frequently.

Hearing loss in older children can lead to problems with speech. It can also affect your child's social life and cause problems with school, such as lack of interest and poor grades. That's why it is so important to detect hearing problems early. That way your child can be treated and enjoy a life full of sounds and interaction.

Get Screenings And Testing

Your child's doctor may perform a simple screening test in his office as part of a healthy child checkup or in response to your concerns. Your child may have been screened in the past too, since some hospitals screen for hearing loss after a baby is born. Public schools often provide hearing screening as well. But just because your child has passed a hearing screening in the past, doesn't mean there is no problem now, since hearing loss can happen at any time as a result of injury or medical complications. To fully assess your child's hearing, he or she needs to see an audiologist for an audiological examination.

Treat The Hearing Loss

It is never too soon to detect and treat hearing loss in your child. This isn't something you need to wait to treat until your child gets older, since the longer your child goes with poor hearing, the worse the effects will be on speech development. Babies can be fitted for hearing aids when they are just four weeks old. An audiologist will determine the best type of hearing aid for your child, and the type may change if your child's hearing gets progressively worse. Your child will need regular visits to the audiologist, since the hearing aid needs to be adjusted to fit the ear as your child grows. It will be challenging for you and your child to get used to the hearing aid, but eventually wearing it becomes a habit.

While some causes of hearing loss in kids are temporary, such as with an infection, it's still important to get medical advice, because an untreated infection could lead to more permanent damage. Your child's hearing is very important to normal development, so it's something to monitor all through childhood. Proper treatment is necessary so your child can communicate effectively with the world. For more information, speak with experts like Hearing Clinic.
